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Anxiety and Depression disorders are the most common of all mental illnesses affecting

millions each year.


The Blue Gardenia Foundation is a local non-profit mental health advocacy organization. Jodi Beaty founded BGF in 2016 as a result of her own personal tragedy of experiencing her daughter having suffered from anxiety and depression illnesses which culminated in suicide.  The mission of The Blue Gardenia Foundation is to bring awareness, in a positive way, to the lives of all those affected by anxiety and depression through advocacy, education, research and community support. 


Anxiety and Depression disorders are the most common of all mental illnesses.  They are medical illnesses.  Anxiety disorders alone affect more than 40 million adult American's each year and one in eight children, causing them to be filled with fearfulness and uncertainty.  Depression affects approximately 20 million adult Americans and one in 20 children and adolescents causing them to have symptoms such as hopelessness, sleep problems and feelings of being "down" and "blue".  Both anxiety and depression illnesses are severe, chronic and extremely impairing to the individuals who are affected by them. Furthermore, they can have a devastating effect on the family members of those suffering from anxiety and depression.  However, the good news is that both anxiety and depression illnesses are treatable.

This website contains valuable information based on research findings on anxiety and depression illnesses and the treatments that work.

We hope that you will take some time and explore this site.  We are sure that the information provided will be very helpful.


For Educators​

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms in adolescents and adults when tools are used (Zylowksa et al., 2008).  Below are a few SEL Programs that you might want to look at.

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